
One-cycle full-time studies

1st cycle 3.5 years
Information: tel. +48 71 320 1571
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A graduate of the 1st degree studies in Bioeconomy has advanced knowledge in circular economy, biorenewable systems, bioproducts, bioreactors, and biorefineries, chemistry and bioorganic chemistry, biotransformation, microbiology, and process engineering. The graduate knows the graphic and computer design techniques and is able to use the GIS tools that are applied in bioeconomy. He/she is able to select the appropriate materials and equipment for the technologies used in bioeconomy. The graduate also possesses basic knowledge and skills related to the processing of raw materials of animal and plant origin and modern analytical methods used in bioeconomy. He/she is project-oriented and is able to work in a team. The graduate knows the principles of the protection of intellectual property and is able to start an enterprise. He/she possesses the knowledge related to bioeconomy, rational use of environmental resources, engineering in bioproduction, process engineering, environmental engineering, the logistics of the supply chain, and economy in the New Green Deal. The graduate is well prepared to establish and manage companies and to take up employment in the Bio-Based Industry sector, in newly created enterprises (including their own), which operate in the widely understood sustainable economy, in consulting and educational companies in the bioeconomy sector, in analytical, research, and diagnostic laboratories, in national and local public administration, in NGOs that operate in the bioeconomy sector and generate related knowledge in this area, in enterprises that deal with the manufacturing, transport, and distribution of bioproducts. The graduate may apply to enrol in 2nd degree studies, and start a postgraduate studies programme.