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Agnieszka Krawczyk-Łebek from the Department of Food Chemistry and Biocatalysis of the UPWr, together with her scientific supervisors – Prof. Edyta Kostrzewa-Susłow, Dr. Tomasz Janeczko and Dr. Monika Dymarska, has won the main prize in the 12th edition of the Student-Inventor competition. Her series of 38 inventions concerning new flavonoid glycosides with potential antimicrobial activity was recognised in the competition. The prize is participation in the International Exhibition of Inventions





The Faculty Committee for Education Quality Assurance Chairman:dr hab. n. wet. Aleksander Chrószcz, assoc. prof.  – Division of Animal AnatomyVice-Chairman:dr hab. Barbara Bażanów, assoc. prof. – Division of MicrobiologyMembers:dr hab. Jolanta Piekarska, assoc. prof. – Division of Parasitologydr hab. Michał Dzięcioł, assoc. prof. – Department of Reproduction and Clinic of Farm Animalsdr hab. Piotr Kuropka, assoc. prof. – Division of Histology and EmbryologyJoanna Wolińska – student of the (...)
1st yearlek. wet. Marcin JasiakDepartment of Internal Medicine and Clinic of Diseases of Horses, Dogs and Catse-mail: marcin.jasiak@upwr.edu.pl   phone: +48 71 320 5367 2nd yeardr Anna MatczukDepartment of Pathology, Division of Microbiologye-mail: anna.matczuk@upwr.edu.pl  phone: +48 71 320 5429 3rd yeardr Aleksandra RozwadowskaDepartment of Biostructure and Animal Physiologye-mail: aleksandra.rozwadowska@upwr.edu.pl phone: +48 71 320 5744 4th yeardr Agnieszka Żak-BochenekDepartment of (...)
Doctoral SchoolWrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences 25 Norwida St.50-375 Wrocław, Polandbldg. A1, room 204 tel. (+48) 71 320 5266, (+48) 71 320 1089 e-mail: szkola.doktorska@upwr.edu.pl   Office Working Hours: Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri - 8:00 - 16:00 WEDNESDAY - Office's own work Head of UPWr Doctoral School Prof. Agnieszka Noszczyk-Nowak e-mail: szkola.doktorska@upwr.edu.plDoctoral School Office Doctoral School Office Coordinatordr inż. Magdalena Gawron-Gajgał tel. (+48) 71 (...)

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