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Contact hours of the Institute staff in winter semester 2021/2022 Dr. Jakub Bekier room 210 bldg C-1contact hours: Mon 11-13 Prof. Adam Bogaczroom 107 bldg C-1contact hours: Wed 10-11 Thu 12-13 Dr. Irmina Ćwieląg-Piasecka room 119 bldg C-1 contact hours: Thu 8.45-9.30, Fri 9-9.45 Dr. Magdalena Dębicka room 217 bldg C-1 contact hours: Thu 13-14.30 Prof. Bernard Gałka room 512 bldg CDN contact hours: Tue 13-15 Dr. Krzysztof Gediga room 310 bldg C-1 contact hours: Mon 10-10 Dr. (...)
Contact hours of the Institute staff in winter semester 2021/2022 Dr. Jakub Bekier room 210 bldg C-1contact hours: Mon 11-13 Prof. Adam Bogaczroom 107 bldg C-1contact hours: Wed 10-11 Thu 12-13 Dr. Irmina Ćwieląg-Piasecka room 119 bldg C-1 contact hours: Thu 8.45-9.30, Fri 9-9.45 Dr. Magdalena Dębicka room 217 bldg C-1 contact hours: Thu 13-14.30 Prof. Bernard Gałka room 512 bldg CDN contact hours: Tue 13-15 Dr. Krzysztof Gediga room 310 bldg C-1 contact hours: Mon 10-10 Dr. (...)
Contact hours of the Institute staff in winter semester 2021/2022 Dr. Jakub Bekier room 210 bldg C-1contact hours: Mon 11-13 Prof. Adam Bogaczroom 107 bldg C-1contact hours: Wed 10-11 Thu 12-13 Dr. Irmina Ćwieląg-Piasecka room 119 bldg C-1 contact hours: Thu 8.45-9.30, Fri 9-9.45 Dr. Magdalena Dębicka room 217 bldg C-1 contact hours: Thu 13-14.30 Prof. Bernard Gałka room 512 bldg CDN contact hours: Tue 13-15 Dr. Krzysztof Gediga room 310 bldg C-1 contact hours: Mon 10-10 Dr. (...)
When Safoura came to Poland she didn’t know the language but she knew she wanted to study veterinary medicine. After four years, not only does she speak fluent Polish but she’s also just won the INTERSTUDENT competition for the best students studying in Poland.
AddressGrunwaldzki Sq. 47 50-366 Wrocław, Poland ContactSecretaryinż. Monika Błaszkiewicz, sam. referentphone/fax: +48 71 320 5365e-mail: monika.blaszkiewicz@upwr.edu.plBożena Szczepańska, sam. referentphone/fax: +48 71 320 5365 e-mail: bozena.szczepanska@upwr.edu.pl Head of departmentdr hab. Jarosław Popiel, prof. uczelniphone: +48 71 320-5360e-mail: jaroslaw.popiel@upwr.edu.pl About department The department consists of Division of Clinical and Laboratory Diagnostics (Head: dr hab. Maciej (...)
After we have examined university standards and implemented the principles of the European Charter for Researchers, the European Commission granted us the logo of HR Excellence in Research.

Work of the Leading Research Teams includes, among others, over 1,300 scientific publications and over 100 projects, for which almost PLN 100 million of funding was obtained.
A strategic meeting of the rectors of the EU GREEN alliance – Board of Rectors– which includes nine European universities, has begun at the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences in Wrocław. This event is of crucial importance, taking place twice a year, during which the future development path of the international partnership is determined.


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