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Genetics is the science of the future – Professor Alina Wieliczko, Vice-Rector for International Relations and Regional Cooperation, said in opening statements on behalf of Rector Professor Roman Kołacz. These words marked the beginning of a three-day genetics conference, including topics on many aspects of scientific achievements regarding animal genetics in both farm and wild animals.
Prof. Aneta Wojdyło, dr Paweł Lochyński, dr Tomasz Strzała and dr hab. Szymon Szewrański – their projects were featured in the last, 6th, edition of the scientific-business partnership MOZART programme.
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy Janusz Piechociński, who attended the informational meeting, "MBA Programme Open Days," on 29 November 2013 in the Pope John Paul II Hall at the University of Environmental and Life Sciences in Wrocław, made a speech on "Global challenges to the Polish economy".


More than PLN 2.5 million was won by Dr Tomasz Janek and Prof Sebastian Opaliński in the National Centre for Science competition Opus 24.
For the second time we have awarded diplomas and medals to the best beers taking part in the Good Beer Academy competition. Jury was headed by Rafał Kowalczyk, an international judge who emphasized a high standard of the competition where over 80 beers were evaluated.
On September 1st, Professor Krzysztof Kubiak assumed the position of Rector at the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences. Elected for the 2024-2028 term, the Rector presented nominations to the Vice-Rectors and Deans on September 2nd.
Board of UPWr Doctoral School Chairperson of the BoardD.Sc. Małgorzata Korzeniowskatel. (+48) 71 320 7774e-mail: malgorzata.korzeniowska@upwr.edu.pl Natural Sciences: D.Sc. Magdalena Wołoszyńskadiscipline: Biological Sciences tel.: (+48) 71 320 5957e-mail: magdalena.woloszynska@upwr.edu.plDepartment of Genetics Faculty of Biology and Animal Science ul. Kożuchowska 751-631 Wrocław D.Sc. Tomasz Troninadyscyplina: Biotechnologytel.: 71 320 5019 e-mail: tomasz.tronina@upwr.edu.plDepartment of (...)

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