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Dozens of parks, squares, and local green spaces connected by green corridors, as well as numerous solutions related to green and blue infrastructure, which enhance the resilience of urban areas to climate change, are among the outcomes of the Polish-Norwegian project involving researchers from UPWr.
What do fragrances have in common with weight loss, and essential oil with animal feed? And what do mushrooms have in common with steroids, hormone therapy and the production of medicine? Dr Jacek Łyczko and Dr Ewa Kozłowska from the Department of Chemistry at the UPWr tell us more.

Five scientists from the Wrocław University of Environmental & Life Sciences were awarded in the MINIATURA 5 competition. They each received nearly PLN 50,000 for research in the field of veterinary medicine, animal science and fishery, as well as food and nutrition technology.

Elsevier publishing house has published a ranking of the world's most cited scientists. Representatives of the University of Environmental and Life Sciences in Wrocław are among the 200,000 most influential authors of scientific publications.
More than PLN 2.5 million was won by Dr Tomasz Janek and Prof Sebastian Opaliński in the National Centre for Science competition Opus 24.
The list of the best scientists in terms of the citation metrics of their publications has been announced. Among 190,000 of the most influential scientists, seven of them were from the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences.


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