Urban grasslands are a prominent biological design feature of urban green infrastructure (UGI) which provide various kinds of ecosystem services for humans and the environment. As a young researcher, I’d like to seek how to improve cities and make them smarter – says Hassanali Mollashahi, a PhD student at the UPWr Doctoral School.
UPWr’ veterinarians are going to treat GOPR, WOPR and OSP dogs, and their guardians talk about choosing and training dogs which save lives, what a search mission with dogs’ involvement looks like, and why anyone becomes a voluntary rescuer at all.
Can we say that business and science are a well suited couple? Yes, and our example proves this. Water absorbing geocomposites were developed by a team of scientists from the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences and are now available for sale. This is a pioneer example (on a national scale) when the results of a scientific project under the Innovative Economy Operational Programme were commercialized. The project was coordinated by Krzysztof Lejcuś, who agreed to (...)