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Katarzyna Godlewska from the Faculty of Life Sciences and Technology and Grzegorz Bury from the Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Geodesy have obtained over 400 thousand PLN for their research.


We present the highest-score research papers of January 2022. These papers have ben published in journals with the highest Ministerial score – 200 points.

Professor Grzegorz Zaleśny from the Institute of Environmental Biology at the UPWr has received funding for a project called 'Next generation taxonomy' – a new tool in the study of the functioning of parasite-host systems using the example of the Cotylurus genus parasites (Diplostomoidea: Strigeidae)".
We present the highest-score research papers of September 2021. These papers were published in journals with the highest Impact Factor − Q1, according to Scimago Journal Rank and Journal Citation Reports by Clarivate.
Dr. Magdalena Domańska, Dr. Karolina Rak, Dr. Magdalena Rychlicka, Dr. Paulina Śliwka, Dr. Agata Wojciechowicz-Budzisz and Prof. Grzegorz Zaleśny have been awarded funding for research projects in the Miniatura 6 competition of the National Science Centre.
Only the 34 best were selected out of 350 submitted projects, and Doctor Marta Kuźmińska-Bajor from the University of Environmental and Life Sciences in Wrocław was among those awarded. She received a money prize in the LIDER programme for research on bacteriophages which could replace antibiotics in treating, among others, Salmonella.

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