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Research articles: Krajewski, P.; Lebiedzińska, M.; Kołodyńska, I. Identification and Assessment of the Driving Forces behind Changes in the Foothill Landscape: Case Studies of the Mysłakowice and Jelenia Góra Communities in Poland. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 10462. Solecka, I.; Krajewski, P.; Krzyżanek, A.; Garczyńska, A. Citizens’ Perceptions of Landscape Changes and Their Driving Forces: Evidence from Poland. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 1688. Budzik, (...)
Contact: mail: iga.butrym@upwr.edu.pl Classes schedule: Tuesday 11.00-12.30 – Karate Tuesday 20.00-21.30 – Swimming for beginners Wednesday 11.00-12.30 – Swimming Wednesday 12.30-14.00 – Karate Thursday 20.00-21.30 – Swimming
mgr Iga ButrymKarate mgr Magdalena OjakCross Training / Body workout mgr Agnieszka WróblewskaWomen's basketball mgr Daria ŁuczakowskaTable Tennis / Badminton mgr Marcelina ŁobodaAqua Aerobics mgr Marcin GóreckiVolleyball mgr Jan CiesielskiFutsal / Football / Indoor rowing mgr Piotr GliniakMen's Basketball / Body workout mgr Piotr MarszałBody workout Wojciech SłupikSwimming mgr Andrzej ZarzyckiKarate dr Piotr CzaczkaHandball
INSTRUCTORmgr Iga Butrym mgr Andrzej Zarzycki SCHEDULE Begginer level: Mondays 17:30- 19:00  Intermediate level: Wednesdays 18:30- 20:00 Advanced level: Mondays 19:00- 20:30 / Tuesdays 18:30- 20:30 / Thursdays 18:30- 20:00 VENUE Sports Hall, Chełmońskiego street 43 CONTACT e-mail: iga.butrym@upwr.edu.pl, andrzej.zarzycki@upwr.edu.pl


Iga Kołodyńska, PhD I graduated with a master's degree in landscape architecture, where I continued my work combining landscape and planning issues at the Institute of Spatial Management at Wroclaw University of Life Sciences, where I currently work as an assistant professor. In 2018, I defended my doctoral dissertation on methods of landscape identification and valorization for spatial planning. For the realization of my PhD, the National Science Center awarded me a Preludium grant. I (...)
Three scientists from the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences have been awarded scholarships from the Foundation for Polish Science.
A total of 67 applications were submitted for the fourth edition of the Beethoven Classic competition – and only 15 of them qualified for funding. Dr. Iga Solecka, a scientist from the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, is among the small number of researchers whose applications have been approved.

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