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Deanprof. dr hab. inż. Mirosław Wiatkowski Tel. +48 71 320 1558email: miroslaw.wiatkowski@upwr.edu.pl   Vice-Dean forCivil Engineering, Bioeconomy dr hab. inż. Robert Kasperek, profesor uczelniemail: robert.kasperek@upwr.edu.pl   Vice-Dean forAdaptations to Climate Change, Safety Engineering dr hab. inż. Ryszard Pokładek, profesor uczelniemail: ryszard.pokladek@upwr.edu.pl   Vice-Dean forEnvironmental Engineering, Water Engineering and Management dr hab. inż. (...)
Unknown documents, natural discoveries, plans, and most importantly, model cooperation. Researchers from UPWr and the Technical University of Dresden, together with stakeholders and external experts, have developed an integrated concept for protecting and managing the landscape of the Pełcznica Valley under Książ Castle in Wałbrzych. The project, which lasted over four years, was financed by the German Federal Environmental Foundation.
A positive evaluation awarded by the European Association of Establishments for Veterinary Education is a confirmation of the high quality of education at the University of Environmental and Life Sciences and a huge success for the Wrocław Veterinary – report the Deans of the Faculty from Sweden where the 29th General Meeting of the EAEVE is taking place.
The Książ Castle Gardens in the 1870s were designed by Eduard Neide, the director of the Royal Gardens Tiergarten in Berlin – this is the latest discovery by UPWr scientists who have been researching the history of this site for several years.




Two projects from the Miniatura 6 competition will be carried out by scientists from the UPWr Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences. Professor Małgorzata Kapelko-Żeberska will work on a new method for obtaining resistant starch, and Dr. Robert Gajda will work on developing the first questionnaire in Poland to assess the nutritional risk of seniors living in local communities.


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