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According to the World Food Programme, 925 million people all over the world are undernourished. This means that every seventh inhabitant of Earth does not have access to sufficient amounts of food – the largest group consisting of owners of small farms, and women and children from poor, rural regions.
Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences joins world Earth Day celebrations as part of the EU GREEN Alliance – students enjoyed physical activity, discussed well-being, and cleaned up the Odra river areas and participated in planting workshops
Natalia Romek has been chosen to take part in the US BioLAB research internship programme. Under the supervision of Dr. Gary Gorbski, she will study cancer cells at the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation.
”The Journey” – a program of the Climate-KIC association is a summer school taking place in 18 European countries.
Biotechnologies and advanced medical technologies / The therapy of civilization diseases-innovations in anti-cancer and anti-osteoporosis medications” (EU research framework programme: POIG 01.01.02-02-003/08). Period: 2010-2014. Team: Zdzisław Kiełbowicz, Anita Piątek, Janusz Bieżyński, Piotr Skrzypczak, Jan Kuryszko, Piotr Kuropka, Anna Nikodem (PWr), Celina Pezowicz (PWr)The aim of the experiment was to design new organic compounds – aminophosphonates and their derivatives as inhibitors (...)



Comittee for Evaluation of Scientific Units has graded units’ scientific and research-development activities, Wrocław University of Life Sciences’ faculties included. The Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Science, as a composite unit, has been awarded with the highest grade – A+.
Biocervin is a unique, world scale project thus the scientists working on it present it at the biggest international conferences.

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