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Location: Indoor swimming pool at 43 Chełmońskiego street. Registration: During these exercises there is a possibility to pass the compulsory P.E. classes. For students interested in this form of course credit, registration takes place in SWFiS, students who are not obliged to attend obligatory PE classes register with the teacher. Schedule: Friday:14.00-15.00 mgr Magdalena Ojak Additional information: Classes designed for students with special needs and especially for students in (...)
As part of the Miniatura 6 competition, Dr. Magdalena Domańska from the Institute of Environmental Engineering is to carry out a research project called 'Treated sewage as a source of information on microorganisms involved in the transformation of nitrogen compounds'.



Location: Sports Centre at 43 Chełmońskiego street (room no. 83) Registration: Registration for classes through the current registration system (limited number of places) and in the Physical Education and Sports Department for students with documented medical indications to limit physical activity. Schedule: Tuesday:18.30-20.00 mgr Magdalena Ojak Additional information: Changing rooms are available 15 minutes before classes.During chess classes it is NOT POSSIBLE to make up absences (...)


Location: Sports Centre at 43 Chełmońskiego street Registration: During these exercises there is a possibility to pass the compulsory P.E. classes. For students interested in this form of course credit, registration takes place in SWFiS, students who are not obliged to attend obligatory PE classes register with the teacher. Schedule: Monday:12.30-14.00 mgr Agnieszka Wróblewska Tuesday:14.00-15.30 mgr Magdalena Ojak Additional information: Classes designed for students with special needs (...)
The employees of the Institute of Environmental Engineering not only achieve excellent results in scientific research, but also engage in active promotion of our fields of study: environmental engineering, water engineering and management, bioeconomy.

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