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We present the highest-score research papers of September 2024. These papers have ben published in journals with the highest Ministerial score – 200 points.
Scientific tutor dr n. wet. Karolina Bierowiec e-mail: karolina.bierowiec@upwr.edu.pl   Organizational tutor lek. wet. Marta Miszczak e-mail: marta.miszczak@upwr.edu.pl   Contact e-mail: eza.upwr@gmail.com
Traditional Polish Easter decorations usually revolve around colourful Easter eggs and daffodils. However, with spring bringing so many new flowers and plants to life, why not spice things up and make some less traditional house decorations!

Marta Konikiewicz, a doctoral student at the Department of Systematics and Ecology of Invertebrates, have become a laureate of Ludwik Hirszfeld scholarship for outstanding achievements in the area of biological and medical sciences of the Student Scholarship Program.
Julia Pietrasina, Maria Noszczyk, Marta Marcinek and Michaela Sulkenikova from the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences are among the scholarship holders of the 2021 Veterinary Student Scholarship Programme organised by MSD Animal Health and the Federation of Veterinarians of Europe.


President Joanna Wolińska Vice-President Piotr Mularz Board Member for Promotion Adrianna Neczyńska 4th year Board Member for Culture and Sport Marta Gołębiowska 4th year Board member for Volunteering Aleksandra Kordek 5th year - Ola's task is cooperating with organizations/foundations and associations. She will organize various charity events and run a voluntary group organizing trips to the foundation. Plenipotentiary for the English Division Alicja Gągała 3rd year Facebook: (...)

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