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We present the highest-score research papers of July 2021.
We present the highest-score research papers of January 2024. These papers have ben published in journals with the highest Ministerial score – 200 points.
Wojciech Niżański – an adjunct in the Department of Reproductive and Farm Animal Clinic has been named president of the European Veterinary Society for Small Animal Reproduction – (EVSSAR).

INSTRUCTORmgr Wojciech Słupik SCHEDULE Mondays 19:00- 20:00; Wednesdays 19:00- 20:00 VENUE Swimming Pool, Chełmońskiego street 43 CONTACT e-mail: wojciech.slupik@upwr.edu.pl
The Faculty of Food Science is the youngest – in terms of the number of its staff members – of five Faculties of the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences.

The website is hosted on the servers of the University Computing Centre of Wrocław University of Envirnmental and Life Sciences. Substantive care of the service is provided by the website administrator www.swfis.upwr.edu.pl. Administrator mgr Wojciech Słupik tel. 71 320 57 10 e-mail: wojciech.slupik@upwr.edu.pl
Deputy director Contact: mail: wojciech.slupik@upwr.edu.pl phone: +48 71 3205710 Classes schedule: Monday 8.00-9.30 – Swimming Tuesday 20.00-21.30 – Swimming Wednesday 8.00-9.30 – Swimming Wednesday 9.30-11.00 – Swimming for beginner Thursday 8.00-9.30 – Swimming Thursday 20.00-21.30 – Swimming for beginner Friday 11.30-13.00 – Volleyball
mgr Iga ButrymKarate mgr Magdalena OjakCross Training / Body workout mgr Agnieszka WróblewskaWomen's basketball mgr Daria ŁuczakowskaTable Tennis / Badminton mgr Marcelina ŁobodaAqua Aerobics mgr Marcin GóreckiVolleyball mgr Jan CiesielskiFutsal / Football / Indoor rowing mgr Piotr GliniakMen's Basketball / Body workout mgr Piotr MarszałBody workout Wojciech SłupikSwimming mgr Andrzej ZarzyckiKarate dr Piotr CzaczkaHandball

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