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We present the highest-score research papers of April 2022. These papers have ben published in journals with the highest Ministerial score – 200 points.
Brewers joke that their job is only to prepare the wort, while the yeast's job is to do the rest. Research at the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences shows how the use of different strains of these microorganisms affects beer quality.

We present the highest-score research papers of September 2021. These papers were published in journals with the highest Impact Factor − Q1, according to Scimago Journal Rank and Journal Citation Reports by Clarivate.
On 25 May 2022, the best employees of the Institute of Environmental Engineering received awards from the Rector for their scientific and teaching activities for UPWr. Patent documents were distributed as well.
Joanna Kowalska, PhD, Sabina Lachowicz-Wiśniewska, PhD, and Radosław Zajdel, whose PhD thesis defence lies ahead, have received START 2021 scholarships from the Foundation for Polish Science.
Six young scientists from the University of Environmental and Life Sciences in Wrocław received scholarships of the Minister of Science. In total nearly 50 million PLN has been distributed.
Joanna Kozłowska, a doctoral student at the Chemistry Institute of UPWr has become a prizewinner of the “Student-inventor” competition for her series of 46 inventions. In the future her research may help in the struggle with cancer.
Polish language course for doctoral candidates at the Doctoral School of Wroclaw Univeristy of Environmental and Life Sciences under the task ‘UPWr Doctoral School towards the international network of doctoral education’ within the project: International Interdisciplinary Doctoral School - at the HEART of BioBased University, financed by Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange within the framework of the programme STER-Internationalisation of Doctoral Schools (Agreement no. (...)

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