
Advanced search
mgr Iga ButrymKarate mgr Magdalena OjakCross Training / Body workout mgr Agnieszka WróblewskaWomen's basketball mgr Daria ŁuczakowskaTable Tennis / Badminton mgr Marcelina ŁobodaAqua Aerobics mgr Marcin GóreckiVolleyball mgr Jan CiesielskiFutsal / Football / Indoor rowing mgr Piotr GliniakMen's Basketball / Body workout mgr Piotr MarszałBody workout Wojciech SłupikSwimming mgr Andrzej ZarzyckiKarate dr Piotr CzaczkaHandball
Location: Sports Centre at 43 Chełmońskiego street Schedule: Monday:14.00-15.30 mgr Piotr Marszał Tuesday:16.00-17.30 mgr Piotr Gliniak Wednesday:13.00-14.30 mgr Jan Ciesielski Additional information: Changing rooms are available 15 minutes before classes.Changeable footwear and sports clothes are required, the use of towels is recommended.
The list of the best scientists in terms of the citation metrics of their publications has been announced. Among 190,000 of the most influential scientists, seven of them were from the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences.
The website is hosted on the servers of the University Computing Centre of Wrocław University of Envirnmental and Life Sciences. Substantive care of the service is provided by the website administrator www.azs.upwr.edu.pl. Administrator mgr Jan Ciesielski tel. 71 32 05 808 e-mail: jan.ciesielski@upwr.edu.pl mgr Sebastian Wuczkowski phone. 71 320 1066e-mail: sebastian.wuczkowski@upwr.edu.pl
The jury of the Jan Zachwatowicz International Competition of PKN ICOMOS for the best student dissertations dealing with the issue of cultural heritage protection has awarded Małgorzata Furtak an honorable mention for her dissertation entitled “Revitalization of Brewery in Sobótka Górka as an Element of Tourist Development in Sobótka District”.

Discover how urban planning can enhance the lives of older adults in the "Aging with purpose – designing inclusive, age-friendly cities" episode. Join host Jowita Chojcan and experts Professor Jan Kazak and Prof. Joost van Hoof as they explore age-friendly city design, intergenerational living, and the future of urban aging. Learn about innovative solutions and practical examples from around the world.
Contact hours of the Institute staff in winter semester 2021/2022 Dr. Jakub Bekier room 210 bldg C-1contact hours: Mon 11-13 Prof. Adam Bogaczroom 107 bldg C-1contact hours: Wed 10-11 Thu 12-13 Dr. Irmina Ćwieląg-Piasecka room 119 bldg C-1 contact hours: Thu 8.45-9.30, Fri 9-9.45 Dr. Magdalena Dębicka room 217 bldg C-1 contact hours: Thu 13-14.30 Prof. Bernard Gałka room 512 bldg CDN contact hours: Tue 13-15 Dr. Krzysztof Gediga room 310 bldg C-1 contact hours: Mon 10-10 Dr. (...)
Contact hours of the Institute staff in winter semester 2021/2022 Dr. Jakub Bekier room 210 bldg C-1contact hours: Mon 11-13 Prof. Adam Bogaczroom 107 bldg C-1contact hours: Wed 10-11 Thu 12-13 Dr. Irmina Ćwieląg-Piasecka room 119 bldg C-1 contact hours: Thu 8.45-9.30, Fri 9-9.45 Dr. Magdalena Dębicka room 217 bldg C-1 contact hours: Thu 13-14.30 Prof. Bernard Gałka room 512 bldg CDN contact hours: Tue 13-15 Dr. Krzysztof Gediga room 310 bldg C-1 contact hours: Mon 10-10 Dr. (...)
Contact hours of the Institute staff in winter semester 2021/2022 Dr. Jakub Bekier room 210 bldg C-1contact hours: Mon 11-13 Prof. Adam Bogaczroom 107 bldg C-1contact hours: Wed 10-11 Thu 12-13 Dr. Irmina Ćwieląg-Piasecka room 119 bldg C-1 contact hours: Thu 8.45-9.30, Fri 9-9.45 Dr. Magdalena Dębicka room 217 bldg C-1 contact hours: Thu 13-14.30 Prof. Bernard Gałka room 512 bldg CDN contact hours: Tue 13-15 Dr. Krzysztof Gediga room 310 bldg C-1 contact hours: Mon 10-10 Dr. (...)

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