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"Plant kefir", green bus shelters, an app that allows you to share food, bioindicators for heavy metal detection – these are projects awarded and honoured in the competition summarizing the first semester of the academic entrepreneurship course.

An exhibition devoted to the works of Agnieszka Osiecka, Wojciech Młynarski and Marek Grechuta – Polish songwriters. Their songs are well-known in Poland, but often associated with the performer, not the author of the text. Phrases taken from their lyrics are often used in colloquial circulation. The authors themselves are extremely interesting characters, with rich biographies, interests and talents. The exhibition also presents the theatres and cabarets with which Osiecka, Młynarski and (...)




The Faculty Committee for Education Quality Assurance Chairman:dr hab. n. wet. Aleksander Chrószcz, assoc. prof.  – Division of Animal AnatomyVice-Chairman:dr hab. Barbara Bażanów, assoc. prof. – Division of MicrobiologyMembers:dr hab. Jolanta Piekarska, assoc. prof. – Division of Parasitologydr hab. Michał Dzięcioł, assoc. prof. – Department of Reproduction and Clinic of Farm Animalsdr hab. Piotr Kuropka, assoc. prof. – Division of Histology and EmbryologyJoanna Wolińska – student of the (...)
The Polish Academy of Sciences has awarded scientists of the University of Environmental and Life Sciences in Wrocław. They are: prof. Krzysztof Sośnica, prof. Stanisław Dzimira and prof. Wojciech Niżański.
The University of Environmental and Life Sciences in Wrocław hosted the biggest annual Congress of the European Veterinary Society for Small Animal Reproduction – EVSSAR.

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