Projects of PhD students carried out presently/recently:
Factors influencing biochar degradation in soils in the context of pyrogenic carbon application as a tool for CO2 sequestration - mgr Magdalena Bednik, supervisors: Prof. E. Jamroz and dr hab. A. Medyńska-Juraszek
Contemporary transformations of chernozemic soils in Poland with particular attention to the properties and transformation of organic matter - mgr Michał Dudek, supervisors: Prof. B. Łabaz and dr hab. A. (...)
Projects of PhD students carried out presently/recently:
Factors influencing biochar degradation in soils in the context of pyrogenic carbon application as a tool for CO2 sequestration - mgr Magdalena Bednik, supervisors: Prof. E. Jamroz and dr hab. A. Medyńska-Juraszek
Contemporary transformations of chernozemic soils in Poland with particular attention to the properties and transformation of organic matter - mgr Michał Dudek, supervisors: Prof. B. Łabaz and dr hab. A. (...)
Projects of PhD students carried out presently/recently:
Factors influencing biochar degradation in soils in the context of pyrogenic carbon application as a tool for CO2 sequestration - mgr Magdalena Bednik, supervisors: Prof. E. Jamroz and dr hab. A. Medyńska-Juraszek
Contemporary transformations of chernozemic soils in Poland with particular attention to the properties and transformation of organic matter - mgr Michał Dudek, supervisors: Prof. B. Łabaz and dr hab. A. (...)
Centre for Foreign Languages, Humanities and Social Sciences holds humanistic and social classes for first and second-cycle students. Admission for the abovementioned classes is possible through the USOSWEB system.The range of subjects for first-cycle studies includes interpersonal communication, social psychology, ethics and career planning.The choice of subjects for second-cycle studies comprises business communication and coaching.Each subject amounts to 30 lessons (2 ECTS points)
Milena (...)