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The UPWr Doctoral School has begun recruiting for the 2022/2023 academic year. Over 70 supervisors and 80 research topics are waiting for candidates. The recruitment will last until May 30, 2022.
You can vote for the most interesting (or most beautiful) Christmas tree until December 15th at 11:59 pm. The trees can be found in the lobby of the CDN building. The jury has selected their top three. Now it's time for you!
As many as 11 research projects by scientists from the UPWr have received funding from the National Science Centre in the PRELUDIUM 20 competition, and seven in OPUS 21. And this is not a full list of our successes in recent competitions by the National Science Centre. Among others, we were also awarded during the last editions of TANGO, BEETHOVEN and MINIATURE 5.
The International Summer School, had, as its leading subject, implementation of knowledge and inventions in sciences into sustainable development.
Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences together with Polanica-Zdrój, Kłodzko and Dzierżoniów city councils are involved in creating projects for developing three neglected parks in Ołdrzychowice Kłodzkie, Polanica-Zdrój, and around the Palace in Kiełczyn.
Jacek Łyczko, a doctoral student at the Department of Chemistry, UPWr, received a nearly 1.5 million grant from the National Centre for Research and Development to create a new generation of appetite-regulating agents. For this purpose he will use natural and safe fragrances.
At the Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Geodesy of the University of Life Sciences in Wrocław are, science clubs for students interested in landscape architecture, spatial planning or geodesy, and many more.
Behaviourism has recently received much interest not only from veterinarians and canine or equine trainers, but also from animal lovers of all kind (both owners and carers).
An intercultural relations club, a vertical garden in the patio of the main building, a charging station for electric scooters and bikes or a Bee & Chill Patio in the library – these are some of the projects submitted to the UPWr Participatory Budget. Three of them are student initiatives, four – employee initiatives. you can vote for your favorite project until Friday, April 8.
The Doctoral School of the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences is closely connected with Leading Research Groups, which leaders and members are supervisors of doctoral theses written at the school, and together with a doctoral students’ representative form the Doctoral School Council. Two years after its formation, the Doctoral School and its doctoral students are undergoing evaluation.

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