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Eight beehives, housing hundreds of thousands of bees located next to a flower meadow giving the bees somewhere to feed – this is the perfect recipe for delicious honey. The UPWr is opening a second university apiary, as a result of a partnership between the university and the European Parliament Office in Wrocław.
UPWr students of Landscape Architecture have designed plans for the development of the Biskupin Campus aligning with the principles of sustainable development. – The students' ideas are interesting and full of innovative and 'green' design solutions. So, there should be an impulse to take action so that the campus becomes a model, multifunctional public space in Wrocław in the future – says Dr. Anna Bocheńska-Skałecka.
The scholarship of the Minister of Education and Science, which is available to students for scientific, artistic or sporting achievements, was awarded to three students of the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences.
They have known each other since high school. Together they graduated from food technology and nutrition. They now work in one team as doctoral students at the Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences under the supervision of Prof. Aneta Wojdyło. They go on internships together, where they learn new research methods and learn to work in an international environment.
UPWr doctoral student Ewa Syguła will investigate the influence of the pyrolysis process and substrate properties on releasing volatile organic compounds from biochar as part of a Preludium Bis project.
Scientists from the UPWr Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformatics carried out precise measurements of the Tatra Mountain peaks. As a result, many atlases and textbooks will have to be revised. Świnica turned out to be one meter higher, the Skrajny Granat on Orla Perć by three meters, and the border post in Rysy stands at 2500 m above sea level.
Counteracting inequalities and mobbing is one of the requirements of the European Charter for Researchers

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