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Investigating the influence of microplastics on soil and plants Microplastics are a hot topic in public discussion nowadays. It is widely known that the tons of plastic we use may cause harm to the natural environment. Bhakti Jadhav, an Indian UPWr PhD student wants to check what influence microplastics have on plants and agricultural soil. The first time Bhakti came to Poland was during her Bachelor’s studies. She had a chance to study in Warsaw and after that in Cracow. – Poland was the (...)
Projects of PhD students carried out presently/recently: Factors influencing biochar degradation in soils in the context of pyrogenic carbon application as a tool for CO2 sequestration - mgr Magdalena Bednik, supervisors: Prof. E. Jamroz and dr hab. A. Medyńska-Juraszek Contemporary transformations of chernozemic soils in Poland with particular attention to the properties and transformation of organic matter - mgr Michał Dudek, supervisors: Prof. B. Łabaz and dr hab. A. (...)
Projects of PhD students carried out presently/recently: Factors influencing biochar degradation in soils in the context of pyrogenic carbon application as a tool for CO2 sequestration - mgr Magdalena Bednik, supervisors: Prof. E. Jamroz and dr hab. A. Medyńska-Juraszek Contemporary transformations of chernozemic soils in Poland with particular attention to the properties and transformation of organic matter - mgr Michał Dudek, supervisors: Prof. B. Łabaz and dr hab. A. (...)
Projects of PhD students carried out presently/recently: Factors influencing biochar degradation in soils in the context of pyrogenic carbon application as a tool for CO2 sequestration - mgr Magdalena Bednik, supervisors: Prof. E. Jamroz and dr hab. A. Medyńska-Juraszek Contemporary transformations of chernozemic soils in Poland with particular attention to the properties and transformation of organic matter - mgr Michał Dudek, supervisors: Prof. B. Łabaz and dr hab. A. (...)


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