
Doctoral defense of Jakub Misiewicz, M.Eng.

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On July 3, 2023, the public defense of the doctoral dissertation of Jakub Misiewicz, M.Eng. was held. Its topic is “Effect of soil loading on the retention capacity of superabsorbents.”

The defended thesis is based on an innovative methodological approach to precise laboratory research. Taking into account the most common obstacles to the optimal use of superabsorbents, the doctoral student designed and made a number of laboratory kits. They enabled precise measurements of absorption under load, swelling pressure and changes in filtration rate over time. Their main task was to simulate real conditions, i.e. loading of superabsorbent mixture with topsoil, full saturation conditions and limited swelling volume.

The obtained results revealed non-intuitive features of superabsorbents' interaction with the soil medium. The work provided valuable information on the interaction between the pore space of different soil types and the dynamically swelling particles of superabsorbets.

Ultimately, this work can help select the optimal dose and grain size of superabsorbents to be applied to a given soil to simultaneously achieve the desired permeability and increased water holding capacity in the plant root zone, with minimal impact on soil strength parameters.

Congratulations on behalf of coworkers and Directors.