
Ewa Burszta-Adamiak named one of the 30 Creative People of Wrocław

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Assoc. Prof. Ewa Burszta-Adamiak, PhD Eng., head of Division of Infrastructure and Sanitary Technologies at our Institute, was named one of the 30 Creative People of Wrocław.

The research for which Professor Burszta-Adamiak has received the award is carried out on several levels.

Professor Burszta-Adamiak examines whether solutions for local rainwater management are able to relieve the pressure on sewer systems, i.e. traditional underground technical infrastructure, which is significantly overloaded during larger rainfalls. She also takes a closer look at underground retention and drainage systems and bioretention systems, known as green roofs and rain gardens. She examines their hydraulic efficiency and potential for improving runoff quality.

Professor Burszta-Adamiak collaborates with many specialists and scientists. A very important result of her team's work was the creation of Good Practice Catalogs I and II. They refer to the principles of sustainable management of rainwater from road surfaces (part I) and describe the possibilities of rainwater management in single-family and multifamily housing, service and sports facilities as well as recreational areas (part II).
