
Meeting with HM Rector of UPWr, Professor Jarosław Bosy

The entry may contain outdated data.
On 2 March 2022, a meeting was held between the Employees and Doctoral Students of our Institute and HM Rector of UPWr, Professor Jarosław Bosy.

In the first part of the meeting, the Director of the Institute of Environmental Engineering, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Krzysztof Lejcuś, presented a brief summary of the Institute's activities to date, and in particular discussed the following topics:

  • the upcoming modernization of the Water Laboratory,
  • equipment purchased in 2021 and purchase plans for 2022,
  • meeting occupational health and safety requirements in research and teaching laboratories,
  • financing English language courses for the Institute's employees,
  • expanding and updating the Institute of Environmental Engineering's website, as well as the Institute's Instagram account,
  • highly scored publications authored by the Employees of the Institute of Environmental Engineering,
  • ongoing and submitted research projects,
  • cooperation with industry and economy.

HM Rector of UPWr presented more broadly the University's development plans directly related to the Institute of Environmental Engineering and the development of existing and new fields of study taught by the Institute's employees. The meeting with HM Rector ended with a discussion, in which employees could raise issues related to teaching, science and future cooperation with industry.