
Paweł Tomczyk received "Preludium" grant for research on watercourses used for hydropower

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Paweł Tomczyk, M.Eng., a doctoral student from our Institute, has received over 200000 zlotys for his project entitled “Research on changes in water quality in river systems used for hydropower purposes - modeling of changes in the elements of ecological status of waters.” The project, carried out under the supervision of Prof. Mirosław Wiatkowski, PhD Eng. will be financed under the Preludium competition announced by the National Science Centre.

For 36 months Paweł Tomczyk, M.Eng. will be evaluating changes in the quality of water, including the River Bóbr, which is used for hydropower engineering. Field research and laboratory testing of biological indicators of water quality, hydromorphological indicators and physicochemical indicators will be performed. They will be carried out within the hydrotechnical system used for energy and at reference points.

 The obtained information can be used to create models depicting changes in water quality caused by their use of energy in a broad temporal and spatial perspective. Research results can support the processes of water resources management and facilitate the design of devices included in hydrotechnical system, in accordance with the principles of sustainable development. They will be used to determine the potential impact of the designed hydroelectric power stations on water quality, both in urbanized and valuable natural areas.