
Workshops entitled "Does water flow underground too?" at the primary school in Żórawina

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On June 22, 2022, a Science Picnic under the slogan "Water" was held at the primary school in Żórawina. Justyna Kubicz, PhD Eng. from our Division of Groundwater and Waste Management conducted workshops entitled "Does water flow underground too?".

Class participants took on the roles of young hydrogeologists. They learned how to use a hydrogeological whistle. Students found out how a well works and what depth the tap water at their school is from. They checked how much rain must fall for the aquifer to be recharged. Participants explored what happens if it doesn't rain for a long time and we consume too much water. The young hydrogeologists simulated a car accident and tested whether the spilled operating fluids could enter the groundwater and what happens to them next. They also examined how sewage from a leaking backyard septic tank gets into wells we take water from.

Joint experiments gave a lot of joy to the children and the teacher. The most exciting part for the students was studying the spread of contaminants in groundwater.

That was already the second meeting of Justyna Kubicz, PhD Eng. with students from the primary school in Żórawina. During the previous meeting, students learned about the most interesting minerals that can be found in our part of the country.
